Thursday, December 07, 2006

Abortion: The real issue is ‘Consciousness’, not ‘Life’.

The underling reality is neither 'Pro-Life' nor 'Pro-Abortion'. Yet, we are constantly being defined in terms of 'Anti-Life'. The debate has been framed by the successful manipulation of those who would seek to control in the name of righteousness. It is a debate set with their words of choice. The debate has become wrapped in the same flag of understanding as those who coined the 'Clean Air Act' and 'Death Tax' successes. We in turn, reactively, have merely sanitized 'Pro-Abortion with 'Pro-Choice'; and in doing so, we will continue to face an ever ending retreat to the onslaught wrought by their choice of words - shame on us!

The issue is 'Consciousness'! Those right now in South Dakota (and throughout the country) who would write the rules of the 'new inquisition', sit eating their slaughter beef and then speak of the sanctity of life. It is truly NOT about life. Correctly seen, it is about the definition of human 'Consciousness'. It must come into a focus, no different than the parable of Emperor's clothing. It is NOT of the life, which they willing destroy hunting or slaughtering: it is our ultimately coming to defining the point at which animal consciousness has been transcended by the human 'Consciousness', that when aware, experiences life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. When does the masturbatory 'right to life' in a Petri dish surpass that of a slaughter cow or chimpanzee? The argument when correctly defined, will be framed for what it is: either a religious 'fatwah to be'; or a common sense, private, social right to choice based on the freedom from that narrowly defined, religious interference and intolerance.

There will be assaults with unfounded postulates of eugenics and playing god, but they need go no further than the leaps to conclusions contained in the present debate, or for that matter, the political-religious hypocrisy of false life played out in the Terri Schiavo fiasco. Regardless, until the debate is redefined correctly, we can not expect to win the scurrying public's understanding.

Please take these thoughts, without any attribution, as our common understanding to the extent you see fit. Please, from your vantage, carry them forward for us all.


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